The main goal of project "Digital Agronomy" is to provide students with an idea of modern agronomy as the competence and profession of the future, the place and significance of agronomy in modern crop production, the tasks solved by agronomists, the modern technologies used by them, including information expert systems and Internet decision support services.
Members of the Projects
Ministry of Education and Science of Kuzbass
World-Class Research and Academic Centre «Kuzbass»
FSBSI «all-Russian research Institute of Phytopathology»
Kemerovo State University
Kemerovo agricultural research Institute – branch of FSBIS of the Siberian Federal scientific center of agrobiotechnology of the RAS
Kemerovo State Agricultural Academy
The schools of Kuzbass
Guryevsky municipal district
Promyshlennovsky municipal district
Yaysky municipal district
MBEI«GESH Gorchinskaya»
MBEI «SSH Sosnowski»
MBEI GESH «Novopetrovskaya»
MBEI «Malosalairskaya SSH»
MBEI «Zarinskaya Secondary School named after M. A. Averin»
MBEI «Promyshlennovskiy SSH №2»
MSEI «Kaylinskaya secondary school»
Tilda Publishing