Kuzbass Research and Education Center - co-organizer of the ceremony of announcing the laureates of the Global Energy International Prize 2023
The ceremony of announcing the Global Energy International Prize laureates is held for the 20th time and for the first time in history - in Kuzbass.
The ceremony was attended by Sergey Tsivilev, Governor of the Kemerovo Region, Sergey Brilev, President of the Global Energy Association, Rae Kwon Chung (South Korea), Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Chairman of the International Award Committee, William Byun (Singapore), a member of the International Award Committee, as well as more than 200 scientists, representatives of member organizations of the Kuzbass Research and Education Center and its industrial partners.
"Global Energy is one of the most prestigious international awards. It is awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of energy that have benefited mankind. The prize stimulates the development of science and demonstrates the importance of international cooperation, as well as the involvement of public and private structures in ensuring energy security and energy conservation on the planet.
"We will implement all energy-related scientific developments that will benefit our region, country and the world. To achieve the best results in the development of advanced technologies, we are ready to unite with scientists from different countries," said Kuzbass Governor Sergey Tsivilev.
In 2023, 15 scientists from 9 countries, including China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, and India, became nominees of the Global Energy International Prize.The winners included: in the New Ways of Energy Application nomination, Founding Director of the Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems Zhuzhu Wang (China) for research in the field of sorption cooling, which significantly improved the technology for using low-grade thermal energy to create highly efficient cooling, as well as for his significant contribution to the development of a heat pump based on a dryer, which doubled the energy efficiency of cooling and heating; in the nomination "Unconventional Energy" - Professor of Shanghai University of Transport Zhong Lin Wang (China) for the invention of triboelectric nanogenerators as a new energy technology for autonomous systems, the Internet of things, robotics, artificial intelligence and large-scale collection of "blue energy".
The winner in the Conventional Energy category in 2023 has not been announced: due to the tough competition, none of the candidates was able to get the required number of votes from the members of the International Award Committee.
The decision to award the prize is made by the International Award Committee, which includes scientists and experts from China, Hungary, India, Japan, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Hungary. The committee is headed by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rae Kwon Chung.
Since 2003, 48 scientists from 15 countries, including 4 Siberian academicians: Alexei Kontorovich, Valentin Parmon, Sergey Alekseenko, and Zinfer Ismagilov, have become laureates of the prize.
All of the photos from the event can be found here