News RAC Kuzbass

The winners of the international youth competition for environmental projects were honoured at the KuZbass Science and Education Centre

An award ceremony was held for the winners and participants of the international youth project competition in the field of "ecology", which was recognised by the experts. The event was organised by ANO Scientific and Educational Centre "KuZbass" with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of KuZbass, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of KuZbass, universities of the region, as well as the association of specialists in the field of environmental protection "Ecoprofessional" (Moscow)). Elena Sudarikova, Director of "Ecoprofessional" Association noted that at the level of regions of the Russian Federation SEC "Kuzbass" was one of the first to organise a competition on environmental issues.

Director of the ANO "Scientific and Educational Centre "Kuzbass" Natalia Petrik presented commemorative pennants, branded gift sets of "Kuzbass", as well as gift vouchers to the electronic shop.

The nomination "Best eco-volunteer initiative for eco-education of Kemerovo region" won the project team "Creation of a mobile application for waste sorting using artificial intelligence technology "EcoSiberia", representing Kuzbass College of Architecture, Construction and Digital Technology (Novokuznetsk).

The winner in the category "Best Eco-initiative for the Conservation of Natural Biodiversity of the Kemerovo Region" was Andrey Grigoryev from Prokopyevsk Mining and Technical College named after V.P. Romanov (Prokopyevsk).

The best, according to the experts, idea in the category "The best eco-marketing project" was proposed by the project team - a team of schoolchildren and students of the project, "Smart eco-city" (Novokuznetsk).

Ekaterina Sivkova from the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy (Kemerovo), author of the "Park Project", won in the category "Best Eco-Innovation in a University Environment".

The team of the project 'Intelligent digital platform for the accounting and industrial use of ash and slag waste' from Kuzbass State Technical University (Kemerovo) won in the category 'Best eco-engineering solution'.

The work was recommended by experts for the All-Russian Student Startup Competition. The event is held by the Foundation for Assistance to Innovations as part of the Federal Project "Platform for University Technological Entrepreneurship".

2022-06-20 09:16