Acceleration Program
Russian-Chinese Youth Business Incubator

Moscow – PRC – Kemerovo , August – September, 2020
The Russian-Chinese Youth Business Incubator is an acceleration program designed to bring Russian projects to the Chinese market and attract Chinese investment in the Russian economy.

The program consists of 2 parts:

- The Russian Part (in August 2020, the demo-week will be held during 7 days in Moscow. Recognized experts will teach you the intricacies of doing business in China and will pack your product complete for sale on the Chinese market);

- The Chinese Part (while staying in China during 10 days, the residents will have every opportunity to realize the knowledge gained: they will meet with relevant companies, meet with investors, visit enterprises and production facilities).

The Program participation is free.
Application dead-line - May 17, 2020

Roman Belyaevskiy, the regional Project coordinator in Kuzbass, Deputy Director for Scientific and Innovation activity, Energy Institute, KuzSTU.
Tel.: +7 (3842) 39-69-21,